Friday, July 13, 2007

Best. Week. Ever!

This week has been the best week ever...and it's only getting better.

Friday, Last: Went out with some fun people from school and had my first really good barhopping experience. Not to say that the others were bad, just sorta lame.

Saturday, Last: Amy's grad party, which was sweet. Strawberry daquiris, tubing on the Delaware, and fireworks! Amy's family is fantastico and it was good to see some Masque people again.

Sunday: The IHOR and friends Sunday night movie tradition continues. A crew of us went to see "Ratatouille" which was wayyy better than seeing "Evan Almighty" the weekend prior.

Monday: Monday is always great because of Quizzo. It was also the last Day ONE, which was sorta good (the kids were kinda sucking at this point...). I won the medal for having won the most end-of-the-day cheers, tied with Michelle and Michal. Woo. Also, we studied all day for Quizzo, reading the blog, looking up things that might come up, and we did really well. The first round was meh, but in the 2nd round, we thought we did well and jokered (for those of you who don't play quizzo at the Dark Horse, that means prior to the scoring portion of the round, you can risk doubling your can only do it once per game.). Well, not only did we do well, but we went 10 for 10, doubling for 20! Also, we knew our Transformers and did well in the speed round because of it (the theme for the 3rd round was: Autobot or Decepticon). I felt especially happy that we did better than the team who comes everyweek called "The Decepticons". We did well in the 4th round, totalling at 32 out of about 43 possible points. My team and I (this week called: The Gryffindors), are studying again for next week, which is the 100th Dark Horse Quizzo. Daniel Radcliffe was also on Leno, making my night.

Tuesday: HARRY POTTER AT MIDNIGHT! It was fantastic. I was in awe. Also, I got to see it with some of my favorite people from all aspects of my life. Panda (also known as one A. Smith) came with me and my la salle people to what was easily the craziest movie going experience ever.

Wednesday: After work, it rained. I got soaked. I changed into warm jammies (yay!) and watched TV until 6, whence it was time for another installment of "Nachos with Nicole". Most of the RC's stopped by, as well as summer staff. Nicole makes a mean nacho and an even meaner guacamole. I went back to my room to watch Daniel Radcliffe on Conan. Bed as Thursday is...

Thursday: BREAKFAST AT IHOP! I love the rooty-tooty fresh and fruity breakfast, with apples. yum. alot of the RC's and summer staff came to say a final good-bye to Michal, who leaves for Poland today. The ride home was hellish. Scott had to drive around a garbage truck, almost bottoming out. After I was safely at work, I had lunch outside on the union patio for the first time in about a week. It was simply too hot to eat outside for about the entire month of July. I called Aunt Rosemary and my grandparents and my mom. After work it was time for HARRY POTTER 5: PART DEUX. in this episode, Nicole gets very lost on the way to King of Prussia and we could only shop for about 30 minutes. boo. The movie was just as good as the first time and dinner was great (I love steak and mashed potatos). Serena slept over and all was well. Emma Watson was on Conan. Yay!

Tonight I'm going out with lots of people for Sara's 21st birthday (finally!) and Sunday is the Decembrist's concert. Life is good.


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